This analysis and the accompanying fact sheets about the Asian population in the United States combines the latest data available from multiple data sources. Here’s a look at some of these differences, as well as how individual origin groups compare with the nation’s overall Asian American population. Highlighting these differences within the Asian population has been central to debates about how data about the group should be collected by governments, colleges and universities and other organizations, and how it can be used to shape policies impacting the diverse U.S. These differences highlight the wide diversity of the nation’s Asian population and provide a counterpoint to the “model minority” myth and the description of the population as monolithic. differ significantly by income, education and other characteristics. The largest Asian origin groups in the U.S. More than 22 million Asians live in the U.S., and almost all trace their roots to specific countries or populations from East and Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Asian Americans are the fastest-growing major racial or ethnic group in the United States.